A-Z Terms


The closeness of a measurement to a standard or true value.


The process which assigns display readings under known and controlled conditions and then verifies correctness of the assignment.


The rating or working limit of the instrument.


A force pushing equally from two directions in the same axis.

Design Factor

An industry term denoting theoretical reserve capability. Usually calculated by dividing the catalogue stated ultimate load by the catalogue stated working load limit. Generally expressed as a ratio, for example 5 to 1 (5 : 1).


The size of the increment when moving from one electronic digit (or mechanical marker) to the next. Almost always a multiple of 1, 2 or 5. Divisions = Capacity / Resolution.


The voltage inputted to a load cell.


A push or pull that one body exerts on another. Some forces include gravity, spring, adhesion, friction, magnetic and impact.

Full-scale capacity

See capacity.


Another term to describe force or torque.

Nominal Breaking Strength

The published catalogue design strength of a product.

Proof Load

The specific load applied in performance of the proof tests.

Proof Test

A non-destructive load test made to a specific multiple of the rated load of the product.


The process of comparing an instrument against a load standard and adjusting if readings are outside tolerance.


The consistency of readings when a constant load is applied and removed multiple times.


The consistency of readings with different operators when all other test conditions are the same.


The number of increments between no load and full scale capacity. Resolution = Capacity / Divisions.

Safety Factor

The theoretical reserve capability of a product displayed as a ratio ie 7:1, which is determined by dividing the breaking strength by the rated working load.


The common forged hardware bow and pin connected to a dynamometer.


The voltage output of a load cell.

Shock Load

Any condition of rapid lift, sudden shifting of load or arrest of a falling load.


A force applied a distance away from an axis of rotation. Torque = Force * Distance.


A force pulling equally from two directions in the same axis.

Ultimate Load

The load at which the item being tested fails or no longer supports the load.

Ultimate Safety Factor

The amount an instrument may be overloaded without physical separation of the load supporting elements. Expression examples: 5:1 or 500%, both mean five times the instrument capacity.

Working Load Limit (WLL)

The maximum combined static and dynamic load in pounds, kg or tonnes that should be applied to the product in service.


The reference point at which the measurement starts. Loads above this point will be positive and loads below this will be negative. The interval can be extended if customers find the adjustments are small compared to their standards.