Dillon Quick-Check Provides Accuracy and Speed when Installing Cable Barrier Systems

As a leading provider of high-tension cable barrier systems, Gibraltar Cable Barrier Systems, L.P requires a quick, reliable and above all accurate method of checking the tension on the cables they supply. The aptly named Quick-Check tension meter from Dillon does just that, providing assurance that the systems designed to contain and re-direct vehicles from road hazards are properly tensioned at all times.
Since 2005 Gibraltar has supplied over 13 million linear feet of cable in North America alone, which equates to 45 million feet of cables that are currently being monitored and tensioned using Dillon Quick-Check tension meters each year. Jay Winn, Technical Specialist at Gibraltar said “We have always recommended a Dillon Quick-Check because the product is so good and simple to use”.
Cable Barriers are erected to prevent a vehicle that leaves the road from heading into oncoming traffic or hitting other fixed objects or terrains along the roadside. The barriers absorb the impact via the cable system either stopping the vehicle or redirecting it post-impact. It is crucial that the cables are at the correct tension in order to take the force of the impact and assure performance.

Seasonal fluctuations in temperature can affect the cable tension so an annual check of tension cables is recommended by Gibraltar as per the manufacturer’s guidelines. The cables can sag if the right tension is not applied. The cables must also be checked each time a collision with the barrier occurs. The cable tension is measured to be within a tolerance of + or – 10% of design tension specifications
Time spent on site can be reduced due to the ease of use and the speed of the Dillon Quick-Check system which saves time and money as little training is required. Jay Winn, Gibraltar Technical Specialist says “The Dillon Quick-Check makes checking the cable tension simple. Once Dillon has set up the tension meter, all the DOT (Department of Transportation) / Contractor needs to do is turn the meter on, place it on the cable and take the tension reading. It’s very important that the job can be completed quickly so that the DOT / Contractor personnel spends less time in an area of danger at the side of the road.”
Either the DOT / Contractor will look after the upkeep of the barrier system, including ensuring the tension meter is calibrated on an annual basis in line with Dillon manufacturer guidelines. Bryan Hoefling, Gibraltar Technical Specialist, said “Our sales team, DOT and Contractors are very pleased at how quickly the Quick-Check tension meters are re-calibrated by Dillon and at how streamlined the process is”.
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